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OHANA SPACE HAWAII  YOGA, uses 100% pure essential dōTERRA® ( meaning of "the present from the earth" in Latin) oils.


It is the top brand available in oil safely and gentle on the body. The essential oils can be administered by one of three methods: diffused aromatically, applied topically, or taken internally as dietary supplements.

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What's dōTERRA®

"dōTERRA" means "gift from the earth" in Latin.


Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds of plant-derived from seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers etc...

That could be beautiful scent and also become even to strong fragrance.


Today, scientific research and the world of flow to health have been inclined to holistic approach. New discoveries and historical usages make expectation to take advantage of the health from essential oils.


dōTERRA® CPTG - essential oils of Classified Pure Tested Grade® is a 100% pure natural aromatic organic compounds extracted from the plant with close attention.

Artificial raw materials that weaken the effectiveness of bulking agents, are not used at all, and contaminants such as pesticides and other chemical residue never included. It is far beyond oil standards of AFNOR and ISO in purity.





エッセンシャルオイルは長い間多くの文化において医療に使われてきました。今日では健康に対する科学的研究や世の中の流れが全体的アプローチに傾いてきており、歴史的な使用法や新発見によるエッセンシャルオイルの健康への活用へ期待が寄せられてい ます。


dōTERRA CPTG - Classified Pure Tested Grade® のエッセンシャルオイルは、植物から細心の注意を払い抽出した100%純粋な自然の芳香性有機化合物です。その有効性を弱める増量剤や人工原材料を一切使用 しておらず、農薬やその他の化学残留物などの汚染物質も一切含まれておりません。純度においては



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