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Naomi Grosse (Naomi)

Naomi has been a practicing athlete her entire life. Raised in the Hudson Valley area of New York, she spent many summers adventuring down the Delaware River, many falls playing soccer, winters racing down the ski slopes, and springs running track. Pursuing her Bachelor's in Biochemistry at McDaniel College in Maryland, she continued an active lifestyle, trying on the many opportunities available to her, including dancing, swimming, and racquetball. It's no surprise, she has continued to explore the beauty in movement.


One particular day, instead of heading to the free-weights, or around the neighborhood for a run, or to her martial arts dojo, she walked into her first yoga studio and took her place on the mat. You might be surprised, however, to learn she could not hold a “yogi push-up,” or that to take 3 breaths in downward-facing dog felt like an eternity had gone by, or that her first experience left her feeling like a baby learning to walk! But, she continued to show up on her mat, nurturing patience and practice! She completed her teacher training this year at HotYoga8 in Kaimuki where she developed the skills necessary to lead and inspire others on their yogic journey. A short time later, she became a certified Shakti Flow teacher where she could turn up the jams, shake and sweat it out with a blending of power yoga moves, cardio, and dance.


Naomi’s classes are creatively and playfully designed to help you find your edge, not just within the asana, but within your personal experiences as well, and to fuel students to explore opportunities and break self-imposed boundaries. She encourages students to develop proper alignment for each body type and gain whole body strength, emphasizing slow and safe transitions whilst linking breath with movement. There is ample time to find stillness of mind and body, as Naomi invites you to live in each present moment. Her hope is to inspire others to find peace and pass it along as they touch the lives of loved ones, friends, and strangers. It starts with a smile!

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