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Sayaka Blakeney (Sayaka)

After numerous intuitive callings to practice yoga, Sayaka finally became serious about her practice in 2011. Curiosity about the philosophy of her practice, and her passion to spread the word to others, lead her to enroll in the teacher training course at Open Space Yoga. After completing her RYT200 hour certification, Sayaka gave birth to her fourth child and also became a doula. She recognized how Yoga had helped her during this pregnancy and birth. Realizing this she quickly looked to expand her knowledge in this area by enrolling and completing Brynne Caleda’s Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training. Also being a YOGAed certified kids Yoga teacher, Sayaka loves children and enjoys exploring her inner-child. Her passion for mothers and children and will always expand and allow her to grow and better herself as a mother and a human. She believes that teaching Yoga means to love, to support, to share, and to empower.それまでに、多くのヨガへの誘いを受け、2011年に真剣にヨガをはじめる。世が哲学への興味と、それを人に伝えたいという情熱に導かれ、オープンスペースヨガのティーチャートレーニングに参加。全米ヨガアライアンスRYT200資格取得後、第四子を出産し、ドューラとなる。ヨガが自分の妊娠と、出産を大きく支えた事を実感し、ブリン・カレダによるマタニティーヨガ・ティーチャートレーニングを終了。YOGAed認定のキッズヨガ講師として子供を愛し、自己の内にいる子供を探求する事を楽しみとする。子供達、お母さん達への情熱を糧に母として、人として、常に成長を心がける。ヨガとは、愛、サポート、分かち合い、そして、自信である。それが彼女の信念。

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